Welcome to Telios Farm & CSA!

Damascus, Oregon

Our 2024 CSA season is open!

Share options: 

$490  Full share - one bag each week June - October, feeds 4-5 omnivores                 

$280  Half share - one bag every other week June - October, feeds 2-3 omnivores 

Pick up happens at the farm every other Saturday. If you are interested, there are opportunities for getting your hands dirty and learning about growing food on those days. On non-farm Saturdays we deliver to Holly Rose Coffee Bar, or to your home if you do not live in the Hollywood area.  Arrangements can be made if you will be out of town or have a special situation.

Click here to sign up for the summer season June-October   

Welcome Oregon Trail Card Holders!

                             Sign-up is quick and easy,  click here.

The Farmers 

Telios is a one-acre farm owned and operated by Rebecca Vogt and her number one farmhand, husband Tom. 

Our commitment is to work with natural systems. To this end, we employ organic and permaculture principles. We are growing in our relationship with natural cycles, learning ways to grow food and raise animals for the benefit of all. 

Our Mission

What grows here we split three ways. We keep one part, we sell one part, and we give one part away. 

What is a CSA?

Oregon State University Small Farms Program describes a CSA like this:

"Community Supported Agriculture is a method of marketing produce in which members subscribe to a farm on a weekly, monthly or annual basis and in return receive a box of fresh produce throughout the growing season. This method of marketing is growing in popularity across the U.S. as consumer interest rises in local food. The CSA model ensures income for the farmer and provides a reliable food supply to consumers" (2021)

What are the benefits of a CSA?

South Dakota State University Extension Service describes some of the benefits of a CSA in this way: 

"Consumers can get to know their grower and find a supplier who offers production practices that meet their preferences. In purchasing from that local grower they are helping support a local business and the economy in their community.

For consumers there can be the added benefit of time savings and not having to garden themselves or spend as much time at the grocery store. When the drop-off point for a subscription is right to their home or place of work, it is even more convenient for the customers. When comparing CSA subscription costs and typical customer purchases, there is potential for cost savings. However, again this may vary, as a local producer may charge more, or the customer may buy more than they would normally purchase" (2019)